I have been doing Energy Clearings on homes to help them sell quickly. I’m sure you’ve been in an open house and marveled how beautiful the design and architecture was, even commenting on the landscaping around the home. You left the property, never to return for a second visit because the house just didn’t “feel” right. What does that really mean?
The energies of the the previous owners, guests and visitors and even the current owners can create what I call a “molasses feel” of energy in a home. This creates a thick, unwelcoming and uncomfortable sense that the house is not right for them. I use a fire technique to walk through the home removing any and all stuck energy.
I went to school for engineering and I am still amazed at the process of how a flame reacts to areas of the house where most of the energy gets stuck. These areas could include common areas and corners of rooms, over sinks, work areas and most of all, over your BED! That’s where you dump most of your stress, fear, and anxiety and the flame responds in a volatile way.
Clearing the energy is not only for homes on the market, but also for your current living space, especially for entrepreneurs working from home. This can effect your enthusiasm, concentration, motivation, and creativity. Your block may not be inside your head at all, but actually from the energy around you!
Once a home is clear the new prospective buyers can actually see and FEEL themselves living there. People respond through emotion. Once they get an emotional connection to a home, the price does not matter. They are SOLD. My clients tell me the rooms actually look brighter and it’s easier for them to breathe in the home. It feels more comfortable and relaxed.
If you are trying to work in your living space it helps tremendously with creativity, motivation and concentration. Everyone needs to be aware of what the energies are like in their home and how they are sleeping at night. My process is simple and can be accomplished in just a few hours. For more information send me a message on my Contact Page.